Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

I can’t even begin to say how much I recommend Joelle. She is so easy to work with. She made the experience go smoother than I imagined it would go. She is there anytime you have a question and is really there for you every step of the way.
I really can’t say thank you enough!

SueEllen Peters

Churubusco, IN

If you’re looking for a mortgage company I would highly recommend Joelle at community mortgage. She helped me through every step of the process and was very patient with my many shortcomings. I should also mention she saved me a lot of money!


Goshen, IN

I contacted Joelle through Community Mortgage Lending and my home buying process was amazing. She was always there for me and answered every single question I had. She is professional, down to earth and will make you feel like you are family. I highly recommend Joelle to help guide anyone and everyone through their mortgage process. This was my first time purchasing a home and I can’t imaging not having Joelle and Community Mortgage Lending on my side!

Jessica Neiger

Fort wayne, IN

I found that community mortgage was quick to start showing me houses. Unlike other mortgage companies. Mike always made time to show me. They were honest. Joelle took time to explain things we didn’t understand. They managed to find us what we could afford. I would recommend Community Mortgage!

Megan P Foley

Fort Wayne, IN



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